Events forecast submit form

Enter source name [resolved by ]:

Retrieve position

Choose your CSV file containing the target positions:

(First 3 columns name, alpha, delta in degrees.
The allowed maximum number of sources is 10000.)

Enter as angular position in Equatorial coords.

RA:[Deg or h:m:s]
DEC:[Deg or d:m:s]

Lookup is by default from the beginning of the mission until today + 1day

I have read the warnings below and agree to continue

This tool provides a forecast of times targets cross the Gaia Focal Plane.
It is based on the scanning operations of Gaia. It does not take into account operational activities preventing nominal observations nor matters like, e.g., the gaps between CCDs on the Focal Plane.
Adding up all dead time components, users should understand that the probability of the data of the target being received on the ground at the indicated time is about 80%.
Furthermore, only targets in magnitude range 3<G<20 mag are observed in astrometry and photometry and 3<G_RVS<16 mag in spectroscopy, except during Galactic Place Scanning periods when the RVS magnitude limit is lowered to 14 mag. Science data collection for the Gaia mission will end on 15 January 2025.
